Google Analytics Setup From Scratch (Part 3): View Settings

GTM and Google Analytics (Transparent)

Welcome to part 3 of my series on setting up Google Analytics from scratch. This chapter will focus on setting up several standard views for consuming your website analytics data.

Starting from the beginning? Head over to part 1 to learn about deploying analytics tracking code – otherwise, read on to learn about Google Analytics views!

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How to: Google Analytics Setup From Scratch (Part 1)

GTM and Google Analytics (Transparent)

As an analytics practitioner, I’ve seen a lot of Google Analytics implementations. No two are ever alike – but the vast majority of deployments do have some things in common in terms of the issues present, and the mistakes made during setup.

These mistakes are often small, easy to miss, and can lead to enormous problems down the line because …

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The Trouble With Digital Advertising (and Why You Should Embrace Website Analytics)

”Help! My media agency is telling me that they’ve generated 10 ‘conversions’ but I only see 3 in my system – what’s going on!?”

– Everyone that has ever hired a media agency.

Defining what “success” means is a hairy problem for brands and advertisers – what does it mean to generate a “conversion”? How well does that align with how an organization actually measures business success?

Continue reading “The Trouble With Digital Advertising (and Why You Should Embrace Website Analytics)”